Bringing a brand to life

( 2024 )



OUSHQ started as a dream. Inspired by her mother, fashion publicist and brand architect Jessel Taank wanted to share her love for Indian fashion with the rest of the world but needed a hand in bringing her vision to life. Ultimately, Jessel Taank created a brand that captured her sentiments but wanted to give her creative vision a visual backbone and a place to live. Enter TinyWins.


Our first area of focus was the visual identity. Who was OUSHQ, and how did they show up? The brand and the product had a very luxurious feel, so we wanted to represent that with their wordmark and color palette. We chose rich and moody colors that nod to Indian culture and a wordmark that is bold and beautiful to give the brand an authentic and stunning look.

With the visual ID locked in, we leveraged the new colors and typography to break ground on a landing page and an investor deck. The deck was designed to perfectly capture the essence of OUSHQ through sleek design visuals and captivating copy, and we carried that approach over to the landing page. By combining the beautiful visual ID with elegant product photography, our team built a landing page that left you wanting more.

  • Brand Strategy
  • Visual Identity
  • Website Design (eCommerce)
  • Website Development (eCommerce)

The project expanded into a full e-commerce site build, and our team was eager to tackle it. Armed with the landing page, we translated the visuals across the rest of the pages to give the site a cohesive look and feel. Then, our developers went to work building a seamless user experience that encouraged customers to shop with confidence. The final result was a site as beautiful as its products with a unique story showcased throughout the pages.

The Process