A Kingdom without a Ruler

( 2023 )

Movement Labs


Movement Labs came to us with a need for a unifying message and visual story about connecting siloed blockchain networks in the midst of the skeptical tribalism inherent in this nascent space. Since they were relative upstarts with a fantastic solution, they needed a way to cut through the noise of the blaring “look at me” energy that permeated the blockchain industry.


We started by building a brand story that differentiated them by explaining how in a space where everyone was touting themselves as the best protocol or token, Movement was bridging the gap between blockchain networks so that builders, regardless of the protocols they championed, could create more easily with each other. Their mission was to establish a unified kingdom without a ruler and an end to the bickering fiefdoms in the world of Web3 and we were going to let the people know it.

From a design standpoint, it was about creating a website that connected them to something primordial and ancient. To capture a feeling of the future that acknowledges the present and anticipates the uncharted territories of what’s to come. We wanted the website to feel alive and always full of movement, with many interconnecting design elements that animate together. Fresh, clean aesthetics mixed with a bit of noise and grit to give a feeling of that timeless need for collaboration that has always precipitated our boldest innovations.

  • Brand Strategy
  • Verbal Identity
  • Visual Identity
  • Website Design
  • Website Development
  • Web3 Innovation